We all do on occasion. WE lawyers, that is. Many lawyers, from time to time, suffer from depression, excessive use of alcohol, drug use or suicidal ideation. Then there can be cognitive decline, stress and anxiety, and general wellness problems.
That’s where TLAP – Texas Lawyers Assistance Program — comes in. Some testimonials from their website.
“TLAP was my only resource. . . . don’t know where I would I be without TLAP.
“Until somebody decides that he wants help, there is nothing that you can do.”
“The future is not something I dread, but something I look forward to with hope for a better day.”
I have some first-hand experience with TLAP, having referred two different attorneys to them when I was on the bench. I was quite impressed with the speed and effectiveness of their response. One was a critical mental health break where immediate response was essential. I do know they got to this attorney quickly but I never new the outcome. The privacy considerations did not include my knowing of the result.
In another case the lawyer reported to me of the intervention and success from it. TLAP can give a little hand, and quickly.
How to get a little hand

The process is subtle, having a low-key approach to the individual, and totally confidential. Call 1-800-343-8527 if you or a lawyer you know could benefit.