Complex child custody disputes

I am not too proud not to share good blog posts from other mediators and lawyers. Here is a good one from Powers and Kerr in Austin, about child custody that starts off this way:

When a couple chooses to end their relationship, they will usually need to address a variety of issues as they decide how they will proceed with the process of separating their lives from each other. While any type of breakup can be difficult, a situation can become much more complicated when children are involved. Married parents who are planning to get a divorce or unmarried couples who wish to establish their parental roles and responsibilities going forward will need to consider multiple different legal issues. While this is true for all couples, there are some cases that involve complex child custody disputes, and parents in these situations will want to be sure to understand their rights and the steps they can take to protect their children’s best interests.

Issues That Can Lead to Complex Child Custody Disputes in Texas | Austin High Asset Divorce Attorney (

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