Gil stubbs campaign presser
Jones Logo composite
From the desk of Judge Gil Jones, Mediator/Arbitrator ...
Hi, subscriber,

Here is the latest, occasional newsletter that will not overflow your inbox. You are receiving this because you have subscribed. If you wish to unsubscribe, there is a button below. Look for this newsletter the last Wednesday of the month in the late morning. On each Tuesday you will get a summary of the blogs from the prior 7 days.
Revised Discovery Rules upended the family law practitioners in December. Although the proposed rules were in the August 2020 Texas Bar Journal they came as a surprise to many. My blog has several articles with references to many resources.

New Rules on lawyer disciplinary procedures. Good video by Trey Apffel, E.D. of the Texas Bar which you can view by clicking here.
The American Story was the subject of a blog earlier this month. Find it at this link if you missed it. The blog piece is based on an excellent article in Imprimis.
Covid-19 effects on the court system continue unabated. Texas courts are still having no in-person hearings, with a few exceptions. Every mediator training has multiple sessions on techniques of mediating by videoconference and it appears that all mediators use Zoom. The Texas Supreme Court recently pushed the court "opening" date back to April 1 and I really expect that to happen at least one more time.
For us 'old-timers' here is a tidbit from way back. I will try in this fledgling newsletter to include items of interest to non-lawyers. I served in the Navy during the Vietnam war and had two 9-month deployments to the Tonkin Gulf on the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Kitty Hawk. My duties aboard ship (communications and bridge officer) I was in a position to sense and see what was wrong with and about the prosecution of the conflict. Thus I found great interest in Now it Can Be Told: How Neil Sheehan Got the Pentagon Papers. (Scott, J. (2021, January 7). Now It Can Be Told: How Neil Sheehan Got the Pentagon Papers. The New York Times. I found it an interesting read, and you may also.

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Thanks for reading and I'll see you again soon,

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