Before & After Drugs (Meth): The Horrors of Methamphetamine Infographic

Don’t view the photos on a full stomach. DO view them with your child, your grandchild, your (fill in the blank) if there is ANY possibility of drug usage, even “simple experimentation” with “harmless” drugs.

Addiction touches nearly every family, ravaging physical and mental health, relationships, and personal finances. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters,

daughters and sons. No one is immune to the frightening long-term impact of hard drug abuse. What follows is a sobering depiction of REAL individuals

who`ve fallen victim to the temptation of drug use – in this case, Methamphetamine – whose devastating effects are all too apparent.

What follows is a sobering depiction of REAL individuals who have fallen victim to the temptation of drug use – in this case, likely Methamphetamine use – whose devastating effects are all too apparent.

via Before & After Drugs (Meth): The Horrors of Methamphetamine Infographic.

When I was sitting as the juvenile court judge I would bring the juvenile and parent(s) (yes, sometimes there were two parents present) up close to the bench and have them look at the meth-face portfolio I had assembled. The parents were usually in tears and the kids were moved, at least in the moment.

I know of no more addictive or destructive drug. Many people are hooked on one hit. One.

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